Welcome and thank you for taking the first step towards an opportunity to secure employment with our district.
The East Stroudsburg Area School District is a comprehensive public school district for students in grades K - 12, with 2 high schools, 2 intermediate schools, 6 elementary schools and our own Cyber Academy for resident students/families. With over 6,000 students in attendance and over 1,000 employees we certainly boast as one of the larger school districts in the Pocono Area. For a district our size, employment opportunities are in your favor.
We are seeking enthusiastic, talented individuals who see themselves not just securing a job, but beginning a career.
To initiate the next steps, click on the applicable online application below:
External Applicants - New applicant seeking employment in our district, Internship/Student Teaching, New Substitute opportunities, New Coaches
Internal Applicants - Represents anyone who is currently employed in ESASD
If your qualifications meet our needs, we will contact you for further information and a possible interview.
Thank you-